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    We work for your numerical simulation and software development needs.

    Simucode's services span numerical analysis programming, mechanical consulting, computational mechanics, design optimization, and general software development. In mechanical engineering, Simucode provides quality services based on stress, strain energy, modal, harmonic, heat transfer and magnetic force studies. Corrosion by aggressive agents, fracture and fatigue predictions are provided in civil engineering for service life and reliability analyses.

    display of several solid model plots

    Stress analysis packages such as ANSYS, I-DEAS, and ABAQUS are the robust tools that engineers often use at Simucode to help precision design of mechanical and civil engineering problems. Client's satisfaction is our goal of service. Our mission is to provide the most reliable analysis results, optimized software in terms of layouts of user friendly tools and computing efficiency.

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Stress Analysis Tips
Thermal Stress
Size Effect

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