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    We work for your numerical simulation and software development needs.

    Simucode Co., located in the metropolitan area of Boston City, Massachusetts, USA, was founded in July of 2001 by Dr. Wei Yang and his co-workers. Dr. Yang received his Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Arizona in 1994, then as an Assistant Professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and Senior Engineer at W.R. Grace Co. and at Coventor, Inc. in Cambridge of Massachusetts, he excelled in solving problems of elastic wave propagation in composite laminates, fracture prediction of creeping materials, electro-mechanical and magneto-mechanical simulation of MEM devices, etc. Simucode's expertise centers in the broad field of engineering mechanics and expands to its large variety of engineering applications. Simucode has collaborated with professors and graduate students in a number of Universities in the US and in China, and provided quality services on software development timely and cost effectively.

    In addition to the service topics listed with detailed descriptions on the present website, Simucode also provides services on neuro-network techniques, sensor techniques such as acoustic sensor design, data acquisition techniques, manipulation of mechanical testing setup, and other analysis tools.

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