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Intelligent Design through Optimization

    Mechanical analyses are performed at Simucode by utilizing commercially available Finite Element Analysis (FEA) packages such as ANSYS, I-DEAS, and ABAQUS. The results obtained from these analyses provide valuable guidance for engineering designs.

    In mechanical engineering, the word "design" typically brings to mind the design of a product - for examples, optimal die shape for extrusion; optimal pre-form for forging or optimal design of draw beads for sheet metal forming. Other examples are the optimal cooling profile for the solidification of a casting of desired shape or optimal shape of a part being quenched; determination of the appropriate shape and material of a turbine blade for best performance in a given environment, in which the thermal and mechanical loads are imposed upon it during use.

    Such designs are best carried out using optimization procedures in which objective functions are extremized without violating certain constraints. Simucode helps to achieve these goals. This service often help to promote the industrial competitiveness of an engineering product in various ways.

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