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    As a widely accepted numerical method, finite element analysis (referred to as FEA) was firstly developed and quickly got matured in the 1960's. Intensive mathematical work on convergence studies was carried out in the two decades that followed.

    a simply discretized model In mechanical analysis, using FEA to solve field problems, components of mechanical variables such as displacements and stresses are considered piece-wisely distributed and the solid structure under analysis is discretized into small regions, named "elements." In each individual of these elements the mechanical variables are assumed continuous and represented by certain polynomial functions or other smooth functions, called "interpolation functions." At the adjacent edges of the elements, especially the corner points that are referred to as "nodal" points, the variables are set equal and these conditions or requirements are called the "compatibility conditions." As the number of elements increases, the discretized mechanical system approaches the reality.

    Commercial codes started to appear in the market in early 1980's. The worldwide popular codes are ANSYS, ABAQUS, NASTRAN, SDRC/I-DEAS, ADINA, LS-DYNA and so on, for mechanical , civil, and geotechnical engineering analysis. Lately, other software or interface software are developed to tackle the requirements of special engineering problems. In particular, Coventorware, Cadence, IntelliSuite, and more recently, Capa, are made to solve multi-physics and sensor design problems.

    a simply discretized model Commercial codes are mostly general solvers and robust, yet may have certain advantages and drawbacks when they are used to solve different problems. Likewise, intelligent handle of each particular problem is essential to grant quality FEA results. A few primary concerns when performing an FEA practice are listed in the following.

  • Mesh study is essential to assure convergence and mesh-independence. A test with two subsequential mesh schemes is minimum for this study. The finer mesh should be obtained by re-meshing the coarser mesh and stress solutions ought to be within the allowable error range of designed stresses. Modal analysis is often used for this test as solutions from different mesh schemes are easy to compare.
  • Thin shell elements are recommended for thin structures while thickness change over the structure is gradual and loads or constraints are not concentrated. Otherwise, parabolic brick element with 27 nodal points is suggested to better capture large stress gradient when 1. the structure thickness varies rapidly at some points; 2. there is concentrated load or constraint and the stress distribution in those regions are of special interest.
  • Sharp notches are to be avoided in engineering designs. However, in case such notch can not be avoided, special concerns are necessary to assure reliable FEA solution. As a general rule, one should use fine element mesh around sharp notches. Elements should not be ill-shaped, that is, element corner angles should be within the range of 45-110 degrees. Although some commercial codes have made large element aspect ratio being allowable (some can tolerate this ratio being as high as 100 before the codes start to complain), we suggest not to have the ratio to exceed 4 to capture stress gradient in the corresponding directions.
  • Electro- and magneto-mechanical analysis require rational solution schemes to obtain effective computational results. As a mechanical structure deforms, electric or magnetic field changes and causes the electro or magneto-mechanical load to vary accordingly. Such a multi-physical problem should be solved by certain numerical iteration loops, and at the end of each step, all physical components, including field variables and the moving boundary, should reach a stabilization before the structure being further loaded.

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